Thursday, July 16, 2009

strummed at 4:35 AM;

strummed at 4:34 AM;

strummed at 4:28 AM;

strummed at 4:25 AM;

Saturday, July 11, 2009

dAi man mxadong
risang addict in pink!
pink chuCkzZ takE mE tO
unForgettabLe pLacEs!

boring mAn!

strummed at 10:52 PM;

guitar makes my life complete!

strummed at 10:35 PM;

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

At first i thought programming was very difficult to do but it really changed my mind when
our lesson started. It was quite difficult for our section especially me to cope up with the lessons because were the only section that was late from the others. But it was not a reason for me not to learn.

As the lessons was taught, I've learned the concepts regarding flow charting. Its definition, major types, uses, advantages and disadvantages and different symbols that are use regarding flow charting.
And mostly the program development cycle which includes (1) Review of programming Specifications, (2) Program Design,(3)Program coding, (4) Program testing and (5) Program Documentation. I also learned the three common structures of flow chart: Sequence structure, decision or selection structure and Iteration structure (Do-while Iteration and Do-until Iteration) after the basics of flow charting I also learned how to prepare a flow chart for a given problem with a given records and preparing a flow chart for a problem having and/or condition. With this different conditions I have differentiate the flow of the two conditions.

Hopefully, by this lessons I've learned I will apply it with the future lessons regarding computer programming.

strummed at 3:56 AM;


Me, Myself and I


America’s Next Freak – Fm Static Music Code
i'm a princess Pictures, Images and Photos eyes Pictures, Images and Photos
hainku... aika.. friEndLy.. swit.. cAring.. LovabLE.. cUtE.. DAA! haha..